Artist Statement:
The future holds many promising technological advances. The idea of technology taking over our lives has been perceived in many different movies, television shows, books, and more. Virtual reality is one of the new advances that many people are exploring and developing further. Whether it be for video games or military training, it has been growing exponentially as a useful and consumer available technology. 50 years into the future I foresee there being extensive use of virtual reality for our everyday lives. It seems that we may not even have the need to leave our house anymore. Like the movies Avatar and Surogates, we will be connected to a machine that then lets us control another being or machine with just our mind. From this we can continue with our everyday lives in the body of this machine. This can being many social issues and benefits into play. People don't have the risk of dying in a car crash. Will others have the incentive to murder if there are no longer people in the streets? What will the military or security forces look like? Will it just be a large army of robots? The future looks very promising yet still very unpredictable.

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